With the help of our wonderful ambassadors, Daniel, Machita, Marco, Sam and
Indi, we spoke to each MPs about some of the challenges facing their
constituents with autism and their families. We told MPs about The NAS' new
research, showing that despite much progress across the country, 70% of adults
with autism are still not getting the support they need. Many MPs remember the
groundbreaking Autism Act 2009 and want to help us realise its aim to improve
the lives of adults affected by the disability.
MPs were particularly impressed by the campaign website and were interested
to check out how much progress their local authority has made (see picture), and how it
compares to neighbouring councils. We showed them how their constituents could
comment on the website too, so they could share their views and experiences of
local services, helping to hold the local authority to account.
Support from MPs can be vital if we are to achieve real change at local and
national level. They can help persuade the council to take action on improving
local support and put pressure on the Government by raising autism during
parliamentary debates or in parliamentary questions.
To send a message to your MP about what support for adults is like in your area, sign up to the campaign and leave a message in the box.
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